Hygiene Control
Virkon Disinfectant
Virkon disinfectant is effective at killing 99.999% of microorganisms in less than 10 minutes. We stock Rely+On Virkon powders & tablets giving you the choice of which you prefer to use to prepare the disinfectant solution. The virkon spray bottle allows for quick and effective preparation and application of the disinfectant.
Perasafe Sterilant
PeraSafe is a total spectrum sterilant and is effective against viruses, mycobacteria, bacteria and bacterial spores. PeraSafe sterilises in 10 minutes & disinfects in 5 minutes. Both tablets and powder are available to purchase for small or larger scale sterilisation.
Haz Tabs Tablets &...
Utilising Chlorine is recommended by the Department of Health for disinfection of blood and body fluids. Haz Tabs are a quick, easy and cost effective way to disinfect blood and other spills. Haz Tab tablets are diluted with water to create a NaDCC Chlorine Disinfectant solution. Haz Tab granules can be poured directly onto spills to absorb and disinfect. Haz Tab diluters help the user to mix the correct strength solution. A Haz Tab Hygiene Kit is now available to purchase.
Spill Kits
Spill Kits and Spill Packs suitable for the spill containment / management of various spills including blood, vomit, urine, drugs and mercury. Kits are particularly useful in environments such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, airlines, marine transport, pre school and care facilities.
Autoclave Bags
Sharps Disposal Kits
Chlor-cleantablets are a combined chlorine and detergent tablet. This allows the tablet to both disinfect and clean simultaneously, negating the need for more than one product.
Personal Protective...