Guest Medical Haz Tab Tablet
  • Guest Medical Haz Tab Tablets
  • Guest Medical Haz Tab Tablet
  • Haz Tab Tablet 4.5g
  • Haz Tabs

Haz-Tab Tablets 4.5g x 100


Guest Medical's NaDCC disinfectant Haz Tab tablets (Code H8801) - compact, easy to use method of making up chlorine disinfectant solution. For blood, body fluid spills and general disinfection.


  • This product listing is for 100 Haz Tab tablets 4.5g NaDCC.
  • Quick, easy and cost effective way to disinfect blood and other spills.
  • Also ideal for general, environmental disinfection.
  • These tablets are diluted with water to make up a disinfectant solution.
  • Allows disinfectant to be made up whenever it is needed rather than purchasing a ready made solution that is only viable for so long.
  • Utilises Chlorine which is recommended by the Department of Health for disinfection of blood and body fluids.
  • These tablets are made from Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate which is more stable and easy for staff / users to make up into a solution.
  • These are non- effervescent tablets.
  • Unlike Hypochlorite solutions, these Haz-Tabs are not inactivated by contact with blood.
  • Instructions on the tubs are easy to follow.
  • The Haz Tab tablets can be mixed easily and accurately with the Haz Tab diluters (appropriately sized containers with instruction labels on the front) which you can find in the Haz Tab category.

Please note that we cannot ship this product to the US.

Using Haz Tabs

Use 4 tablets per litre of water to give 10,000 ppm available chlorine solution.

Testing by an independent UKAS accredited Laboratory has shown that:

  • Haz-Tab solutions at 1,000 ppm pass the BS EN Standard 14476:2013 + A1:2015 (virucidal) in 5 minutes under dirty conditions.
  • At 5,000 ppm the solution passes the BS EN 14348 (tuberculocidal) standard in 5 minutes under dirty conditions.

Ideal Applications

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Residential Homes
  • Dental surgeries
  • Laboratories

Haz Tabs FAQ

Once the tablet is diluted , how long can the solution be kept?

If the solution is made up to 10,000ppm (4 tablets in 1-litre of water for blood or blood stained body fluid spills) it will be good for up to 36 hours, but we don't recommend this. We recommend to only make up a 10,000ppm solution as and when it's needed.

For a 1,000ppm solution it's good for up to 24 hours. The solution must be stored correctly and also be clean.

RMS000807 H8801